

  • Since the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the college members have approved 13 national-level projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Key Research and Development Program, and 86 provincial- and ministerial-level scientific research projects. For notable awards, the college members have won the provincial-level Science and Technology Progress Award including 1 first prize, 1 second prize, and 1 third prize, and have won 1 second prize in the provincial-level Philosophy and Social Sciences Award and 1 first prize for provincial-level teaching achievements award.

    The college members have published 193 core academic papers and 82 teaching reform papers, with breakthroughs in SCI/SSCI paper impact factors exceeding 10. The members have obtained over 70 patents and software copyrights. Further, the members have published 46 textbooks and monographs recognized as national- and provincial-level planning projects, and have won their first provincial textbook construction award.

    The college offers 1 national-level excellent course, 1 national-level Virtual-simulation and Experimental Education first-class course, 17 provincial-level excellent courses, and various online and offline Teaching Quality Project courses. Currently, the college has 5 provincial-level excellent grassroots teaching groups.