

HAU Muyuan Joint Industrial Research Institute of Animal Husbandry Unveiled

Jul 06, 2022

By Chen Xi, Publicity Department News Center, HAU


On July 5, when the 120th anniversary celebration of the HAU was about to held, the inauguration ceremony of HAU Muyuan Joint Industrial Research Institute of Animal Husbandry was held at Longzi Lake Campus. University leaders Wei Mengguan, Jie Xiaolei, Li Chengwu and Kang Xiangtao, academician Zhang Gaiping of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chairman of Muyuan, Qin Yinglin and his wife Qian Ying, and veteran professor Ren Guangzhi attended the inauguration ceremony, and heads of relevant departments and colleges attended the ceremony. Department heads of Muyuan Group, heads of relevant departments and some representatives of teachers and students attended the ceremony. Vice President Kang Xiangtao hosted ceremony.


Qin Yinglin expressed his gratitude for his alma mater's support and cultivation, and also said that HAU and Muyuan will initiate a more in-depth integration of industry and education and university-enterprise cooperation, take the actual problems of industry as the guide, vigorously integrate innovative resources, promote the high-speed transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productivity, help Henan Agricultural University build a "world-class agricultural university with Chinese characteristics", cultivate more talents for agricultural development, and promote the development of Chinese agricultural technology and industry innovation.


Translated by Yang Yichen

Edited by Chen Xi

Authorized by Wang Hongyan, Zhou Hongfei
