
Research and Innovation

New Mechanism of Reciprocal Competition between Transcript Isoforms Regulating Flowering in Osmanthus fragrans

Sep 08, 2023

Research team led by Professor Shang Fude published a significant research achievement. The study uncovered a new mechanism of reciprocal competition between transcript isoforms of key genes, OfAP1 and OfTFL1, in the flowering regulation network of Osmanthus fragrans, providing new insights into the transcriptional isoform regulation of flowering time.


The research, titled 'A new mechanism of flowering regulation by the competition of isoforms in Osmanthus fragrans,' was published online in the renowned plant science journal Annals of Botany. Professor Shang Fude is the corresponding author of the paper, and Professor Li Yong from Inner Mongolia Normal University and Xia Hexiao, a 2023 master's graduate from College of Life Sciences, are co-first authors of the paper.
